

Château Pérouse decided to embark on a globally unprecedented comprehensive approach.

Unprecedented by its botanical park ...
This hilly area, already decorated with magnificent cedar and other large remarkable trees, offers themed landscapes.

The development of the site will build on the endemic species of the region. It will extend to the creation of large green spaces that refer to different parts of the world where the weather  "Mediterranean" has been identified.

Of its 154 acres, the park is an original plant palette in which the landscape is changing subtly. The landscaped architecture designed a course that will transport visitors far in this southern region of France in Australia, South Africa, Chile ...

Unprecedented by human and Plants symbiosis ...
In architectural reference to the original house, a building project which wil include sixty houses called "Bastides". They will be built in the park, in clearings, no fence. The only separation that will exist will be trees.

A 5 star hotel will be built with all the services of this category. The parking will be an underground parking, in the natural slope of the land to reduce its impact.

Golf will be designed in harmony with nature. Including a large part of landscape where visitors can walk without bothering the progress of golfers on the green.

To access the provisional planning "click here".


General plan of the park - Zoom for more detail