Geophytes are perennial plants which grow back every year from an underground organ such as a bulb, tuber, corm or rhizome. With this organ they spend part of the year dormant in order to survive the inhospitable climate of this period. There are many thousends of different species. In our collection we have 1,385 species of the 2,502 we are currently planning to obtain.
Distribution and habitats
Temperate climates with marked cyclical regimes such as the Mediterranean climate are rich in geophytes which perform a short cycle when the climatic conditions are favorable for their reproduction. But there are geophytes in almost every possible climate and soil and therefore their area of distribution is worldwide.
Growth Habits and Features
Géophytes come in two types, winter dormant and summer dormant, depending on the most difficult time to survive.
Growth rates in culture
We adapt our cultivation techniques to the growth rhythms of our species according to their geographical origin. We have divided our collection into three main groups:
A genus can be present in different groups, thus the genus Gladiolus comprising winter-growing species and summer-growing species.