Limoniastrum monopetalum       1596

Author: (Carl von Linné (1707-1778)) Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810-1885)
Family: Plumbaginaceae
Genus: Limoniastrum
English name: Grand statice
Zone: Mediterranean
References for the genus
- Flora iberica, Santiago Castroviejo. 2010 Vol. 2 pag. 721-723. ISBN
General specifications
Indigenous plant
Biological type: plant
Frost resistance: 5ºF
Leaf color: glaucous
Flower color: pink

Specifications for the Mediterranean basin
Adult size (h x w): 3,2ft x 3,2ft
Sun exposure: full sun (Sun hours: >6h
Foliage: evergreen
Growth: fast
Flowering time at July

Specific information for our garden
Planting substrate: 30%Compost+30%Coco+40%Sand
Plant watering: 1x a week pH 6.5
Logical sequence of containers for: Perennials; forestry plate 8cm, 1L container, 2L forestry pot, 6L container, 55L container
Propagation is done by cuttings
Units in the garden: 8x
This plant is available from the following nurseries
Experiences in the garden
. . . 2012A Production of 7 plants in our nursery, they are planted in zone(s) Rs
09-10-24 2x Dead plant asphyxiate: Rs.
22-10-12B Obtaining 3 plants from nursery Torsanlorenzo
09-10-24 3x Dead plant asphyxiate: Rs.
24-11-18C Obtaining 5 plants from nursery Margheriti, they are planted in zone(s) JTMed
29-04-22 2x Dead plant: No information: JTMed.
. . . 2024D Collection of seeds in the garden.